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Installing OpenELEC 5.95.3 on the Intel NUC5CPYH

Tried installing Kodi 15.0 RC2 on to one of these boxes this evening and it did not go so well. Took me 2hrs to get it working so this post may save you some time? N.B Ensure you use the 'Nvidia_Legacy Builds'.

First I got SSH daemon errors on boot which delayed startup for 1:30 then when it did boot, WiFi would not work. Here's what I did to fix it.

  1. Reinstalled Kodi using the image file from a USB stick and chose NOT TO INSTALL SSH SERVER during the quick set up options.
  2. Once started, you should be able to enable SSH under OpenELEC settings
  3. Connect your NUC to a working LAN cable and use WinSCP to SCP into it (root:openelec).
  4. Download the driver for the WiFi here
  5. Using WinSCP, create a folder called 'firmware' under /storage/.config if it does not exist
  6. Copy the iwlwifi-7265D-13.ucode file into the firmware folder
  7. Reboot your NUC
Your WiFi and SSH should now be working? Mine was.

After I had it running though, I could not install any add-ons for some reason. Clicking on the Kodi repository did nothing. To get it working, I installed another repository from a zip file (CCM for Helix/Isengard here) and then everything kicked into gear. Prior to that, there was no refresh option for the two default repositories.

Thanks to The NUC Blog for this post which was a big help and also this post on GitHub.

P.S This NUC does not have an internal CeC header pin so don't even bother trying to fit the Pulse-Eight internal CeC unit like I did. Should have read the manual first!


  1. So i tried installing openelec and i got xory server failed and is gpu supported?

  2. Try again using the 'Nvidia_Legacy Builds'


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